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Viva la Potate

The Assignment

The purpose of this assignment was to create assets appropriate for a game environment built in Unreal Engine 4. This project was focused on asset creation and importation, therefore no gameplay was ever added.
The brief for our environment was an eco-friendly society set in the near future, thus Viva la Potate was born. In the world of Viva la Potate, potatoes have been genetically modified to the point where that are now sustainable sources of energy. A group called the resistance believes that, through their modifications, the new breed of potatoes have become sentient beings, therefore they will stop at nothing to reclaim all potatoes, and set them free. 

My Role
Preview of Assets

Our animation class, of 10 students was divided into 2 group. All members of each team were responsible for asset creation, and then one member would also implement all the assets into the Unreal Engine project.
For Viva la Potate, I was the team member in charge of the Unreal project, and therefore worked on:
-Asset production 

-Importing assets into Unreal Engine 4
-Map layout

Map Walkthrough

This video is a quick run around the environment in Unreal Engine 4.
Everything in this map was placed by myself, however, the assets were created by all 5 team members.
Scripts, such as the door opening, or the 2 animals moving, were also implemented by me.

My Assets
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