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Trick or Treat

The Team

Trick or Treat was a group project, made through the combined effort of members from both my animation class and a film class. Together, we collaborated in order to bring our assigned script to life as a short live-action film, featuring two cgi characters. 

The Script

Before production began, each student was required to write a script for a 30 second short. Our lecturers then chose two scripts and divided the classes into two teams; the red team and the green time.
The Trick or Treat was assigned to the green team, and happens to be written by myself. Although a few slight alterations were made during production, it still remains very close to my original script.

The Male Zombie

The Male Zombie, also known as Zombie 2, was that character that I worked on for Trick or Treat. I designed and modelled him while working with my team mate in order to keep the style of our zombies consistent. Once we reached the animation stage, maya scene referencing was also used. 
During his creation I altered the zombies design slightly, as i felt my original concept seemed a little too intact for the undead.
Upon reaching the texturing stage, I was introduced to Mudbox and I believe that it greatly improved the quality of my zombie's texture and bumpmaps. 

Behind the Scenes
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